Eventually, Everything Becomes Pulp Fiction

Something amazing about Fahrenheit 451 is that you’d think that with the amount of books that were burnt throughout the story you’d grow desensitized to it, but no! Every time they mentioned books burning I just thought about how horrified I would feel if it was anything from Dances on Draxghr. If I had to hide that series from my friends and neighbors I would do it in a heartbeat. I guess that would make me the keeper of the series if I ever joined up with the people living outside the city.

I should probably explain what’s so dire about burning books in Fahrenheit 451. You know how to read something, you download a file, and you’re good to go? Well, imagine each single one of those files are a separate big stack of paper. And in the time that this book was written, those big stacks of paper spread all over the place were the only sources of that file. Pretty inconvenient, huh?

Going back to the end of the story, there’s another thought that’s coming to me…would Dances on Draxghr be considered valuable? We all know that Dances on Draxghr is a book series with high cultural value, but I’m really curious about what books would be thought of as “useful” to remember by the people outside. I didn’t recognize a lot of the titles that were listed, but after looking it up I saw that a lot of them were considered classics from a long time ago on earth. If a book wasn’t considered a “classic”, would anyone bother remembering it? And who decides which books are “classics”?

Thoughts, anyone?



One thought on “Eventually, Everything Becomes Pulp Fiction

  1. I think a classic is anything that has high cultural significance either in it’s own time, or if it is rediscovered later. With that said, I do think some classics are over rated, and I am sure there are a lot of books that deserve to be considered a classic that weren’t given the chance.

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